
Men’s Fellowship Ministry

The ‘Mighty Men of Valor’ men’s fellowship ministry is when the men come together on one accord in one place (Acts 2:1). Where we build up, tear down and break strongholds through prayer and intercession and set aside time to fellowship with one another – where iron sharpens iron.

Women’s Fellowship Ministry

The ‘Women of Virtue’ women’s fellowship ministry creates a spiritual connection with the Proverbs 31 women. This time is set aside for God’s daughters to bond with one another while growing, strengthening and encouraging each other. This ministry continually assists women in birthing their purpose.

Corporate Prayer Ministry

The Corporate Prayer Ministry brings together intercessors to provide prayer for leaders, family, Church, government, community, city Officials, youth, schools and world affairs while glorifying the Lord.

Care Ministry

The Care Ministry provides a spiritual, emotional & physical support system that meets the needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are about developing a support structure that fits the spirit, soul & body.

Children’s Ministry

Children’s Ministry equips children to learn and grow in God in a fun and creative way. We value a safe place for all our children emotionally, physically and spiritually. Teaching the children the truth of God’s word and the joy of His forgiveness and salvation.

Dance Ministry

‘Dance for His Glory’ Ministry exists to ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name, and to worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness (Psalm 29:2, Psalm 96:9) in Spirit led song and dance, ministering healing and deliverance to God’s people.

Youth Ministry

‘The Source’ Youth Ministry’s goal is to bring young people together in a life of faith and fellowship, addressing spiritual emotional and social needs unique to youth. To build a meaningful relationship with each other and with God. Through worship and conversation we explore our faith and equip the youth with what it takes to live a Christ filled life.

Praise & Worship Ministry

Praise and Worship welcomes the Spirit of the Lord with songs for its a fact that God inhibits the praise of his people.

Security Ministry
‘Hedge of Protection’ Security Ministry’s purpose is to provide a safe environment for members and guests during worship service and special events.

Usher Board
The Usher Board welcomes all who enter the doors of Word of Life with a cheerful smile and warm heart.

Telecommunications Ministry
Telecommunications Ministry’s purpose is to ensure that all services can be seen and heard so the Gospel can be spread beyond the walls of Word of Life. This ministry is a combination of the Audio, Visual, and Web Ministries.

Jail Ministry
Jail Ministry is an evangelical tool that reaches beyond the walls of Word of Life to extend to men and women that are incarcerated and help them to transition back into the community as productive citizens.

Hospitality Ministry
The Hospitality Ministry is designed to create a welcoming and loving atmosphere for all visitors.

HousekeepingHousekeeping Ministry is designed to create a clean and welcoming environment for all visitors. We try and maintain an atmosphere for the Presence of the Lord- cleanliness is next to Godliness